
Building Your Own KSR vehicle
Need help building a KSR vehicle?
Be forewarned that building and maintaining a KSR vehicle is a never-ending process. Or, so it seems.

No one person knows all the answers. Each vehicle has its own unique features and needs.

We've put together the following collection of knowledge and experiences and hope they prove useful. See you at the next race!

Many thanks to Bob Durst, Kerry Montgomery, Hugh Currin, Bill Burbach, and S. Clark.

Self-guided Tutorials.
Years of college, first-hand experience and hundreds of pounds of chocolate chip cookies have been combined into this collection of tutorials.

This tutorial addresses the engineering and building techniques apparent in a variety of kinetic sculptures.


Vehicle design




Flotation and Water propultion

Tutorial #2 Art, Bribes, Costumes, Pageantry, and non-race events.

Specific details.
At last, a place to go to get detailed plans---free of charge!

Bob Durst and Kerry Montgomery offer these plans and instructions for those who wish to build a one-person, three-wheeled trike at minimal cost.

***Coming soon***

***Please check back again after Jan. 2007***

Resources (PDFs)
Ever wanted to compare the pros and cons of 3-wheel vs. 4-wheel vehicles? How about the benefits of paddles vs. propellers? A MATRIX comparing these and more is available for your perusal. A list of resources (in which Corvallis, OR is considered "local") is provided for downloading.

Old (2005) da Vinci Days' race rules available for browsing.

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Updated: 11/3/06

© 2001 by S. Clark